
Enable or disable mouse events.
[read/write property] enableMouseEvents([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *on) enableMouseEvents([in] VARIANT_BOOL on)
This property enables (if set to true) or disables (if set to false) mouse events.

The events enabled by this property are:

Enabling mouse events will disable XpdfViewer's built-in selection mechanism.

If hyperlinks and mouse events are both enabled, MouseUp2 events will not be triggered if the mouse is over a hyperlink (it will activate the hyperlink instead).

For finer-grained control over mouse events, see enableMouseBtnEvents and enableMouseMoveEvents. enableMouseEvents does not enable mouse wheel events - see enableMouseWheelEvents.

viewer.enableMouseEvents = True ... Private Sub viewer_MouseDown2(button As Integer, shift As Integer, _ page As Long, x As Double, y As Double) _ Handles viewer.MouseDown2 ' button and shift work just like with VB controls ' x and y are in the PDF coordinate space End Sub Private Sub viewer_MouseUp2(button As Integer, shift As Integer, _ page As Long, x As Double, y As Double) _ Handles viewer.MouseUp2 ' button and shift work just like with VB controls ' x and y are in the PDF coordinate space End Sub Private Sub viewer_MouseDoubleClick2(button As Integer, shift As Integer, _ page As Long, x As Double, y As Double) _ Handles viewer.MouseDoubleClick2 ' button and shift work just like with VB controls ' x and y are in the PDF coordinate space End Sub Private Sub viewer_MouseMove2(button As Integer, shift As Integer, _ page As Long, x As Double, y As Double) _ Handles viewer.MouseMove2 ' button and shift work just like with VB controls ' x and y are in the PDF coordinate space End Sub