
Add a page from an input PDF file to an output PDF file, with a rotation and a CropBox.
addPageRotatedCropped([in] LONG inputHandle, [in] int pageNum, [in] int rotation, [in] double cropLLX, [in] double cropLLY, [in] double cropURX, [in] double cropURY, [in] LONG outputHandle)
This function copies one page, given by pageNum, from an input PDF file, in, and appends it to an output PDF file, out.

The new page will be rotated by rotation degrees clockwise (relative to its appearance in the input PDF file). Rotations of 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees are allowed.

The CropBox for the new page will be set to (cropLLX, cropLLY, cropURX, cropURY). "LL" refers to the lower-left corner of the page; "UR" refers to the upper-right corner. The coordinates are in the PDF coordinate space.

Dim in as Long, out as Long in = pdf.openInput "c:/test/input.pdf" out = pdf.openOutput "c:/test/output.pdf" ' append page 3 of input.pdf to output.pdf, with no rotation, and ' with a new CropBox pdf.addPageRotatedCropped in, 3, 0, 72, 72, 612, 792, out
Dim in as Long, out as Long in = pdf.openInput("c:/test/input.pdf") out = pdf.openOutput("c:/test/output.pdf") ' append page 3 of input.pdf to output.pdf, with a 90-degree rotation, and ' with a new CropBox pdf.addPageRotatedCropped(in, 3, 0, 72, 72, 612, 792, out)