
Convert a DeviceN image to a raw RGB bitmap.
getDeviceNToRGBBitmap([out] int *width, [out] int *height, [out] int *stride, [out, retval] HGLOBAL *data)
This function converts the DeviceN bitmap generated by the last call to convertPageToDeviceNImage to RGB, and returns a raw bitmap. It is identical to getDeviceNToRGBPicture, except that it returns a raw bitmap instead of an OLE IPicture object.

The image will be returned as a 24-bit RGB bitmap.

By default, this function will return the same thing as convertPageToBitmap2 in imageDevNToRGB mode. The difference is that individual color channels can be removed with removeDeviceNChannel.

width, height, and stride are output arguments that provide the bitmap width, height, and stride (bytes per row).

NB: The returned value is an HGLOBAL (i.e., XpdfRasterizer allocates it with GlobalAlloc), and the caller is responsible for calling GlobalFree (or Marshal.FreeHGBlobal) to free it.

rast.convertPageToDeviceNImage(page, dpi); int nChannels = rast.getNumDeviceNChannels(); for (int i = 0; i < nChannels; ++i) { string channelName = rast.getDeviceNChannelName(i); if (....) { rast.removeDeviceNChannel(i); } } int width, height, stride; IntPtr bitmapData = rast.getDeviceNToRGBBitmap(out width, out height, out stride); Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(width, height, stride, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb, bitmapData); // ... use bmp ... Marshal.FreeHGlobal(bitmapData); rast.clearDeviceNImage()