
Get the name of a DeviceN color channel.
char *pdfGetDeviceNChannelName(PDFHandle pdf, int channelIdx)
This function returns the name of the specified channel generated by the last call to pdfConvertPageToDeviceNImage.

The first four channel names will always be "Cyan", "Magenta", "Yellow", and "Black". Additional channels will be custom (spot) colors used on the page.

int nChannels, i; char *channelName; unsigned int channelCMYK; PDFImageHeader hdr; char *bits; int err; err = pdfConvertPageToDeviceNImage(pdf, pageNum, dpi); if (err != pdfOk) { /* handle the error */ ... } nChannels = pdfGetNumDeviceNChannels(pdf); for (i = 0; i < nChannels; ++i) { channelName = pdfGetDeviceNChannelName(pdf, i); channelCMYK = pdfGetDeviceNChannelCMYK(pdf, i); printf("channel %d: %s = %08x\n", channelName, channelCMYK); pdfGetDeviceNBitmap(pdf, i, 1, 0, &hdr, *bits); /* hdr and bits represent a grayscale bitmap -- similar to pdfConvertPageToBitmap2 with pdfImageGray */ /* each channel has an 8-bit bitmap; the bitmaps for all channels will have the same width and height */ ... /* the bitmap memory must be freed when you are finished */ pdfFreeMemory(bits); } /* free the internal storage used by pdfConvertPageToDeviceNImage */ pdfClearDeviceNImage(pdf);