Using PDFtoSVG


Basic usage looks like:
pdftosvg [options] PDF-file page-number output-dir
For example:
pdftosvg test.pdf 1 testout
will create a directory called "testout", containing a file "page.svg" along with any extracted fonts and images.

The options described below can be used to modify the output.


The following command line options are available:
-opw password
Set the owner password for an encrypted PDF file.
-upw password
Set the user password for an encrypted PDF file.
Encode images inline using base64, rather than writing them to separate .png/.jpeg files.
Split text strings into a separate <text> element for each character. This works around a problem with librsvg, which doesn't handle x/y attributes that contain lists of positions.
Vectorize all text, i.e., convert text drawing operations into fill/stroke operations.