

PDFtoSVG is a command-line tool for PDF-to-SVG conversion.

The output from PDFtoSVG can be used for viewing, or as input to further conversion tools.

Supported Platforms

Source code licenses are also available.

Intellectual Property

The PDFtoSVG software and documentation are Copyright 1996-2024 Glyph & Cog, LLC.

This software includes libpng, which is copyright 2004, 2006-2012 Glenn Randers-Pehrson.

FreeType is copyright 2006-2023 David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. FreeType is used here under the terms of the FreeType Project License.

The PDF data structures, operators, and specification are documented in ISO 32000-2:2020.

About Glyph & Cog

Glyph & Cog designs and implements software for manipulating electronic documents. Current offerings include software libraries, components, and consulting services related to reading, viewing, and converting PDF files.

For more information, visit our web site at